Classic Battletech: Record Sheets - MechWarrior Dark Age I

SKU: 10983
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PLEASE NOTE: This book is brand new out of the case. However, please be aware that since it was printed over 2 decades ago the copy you receive may not be in pristine condition. As many of the covers stick together, some cover defects and blemishes may be present. We cannot guarantee or cherry pick a particular condition copy for you.

It is the 32nd century. After decades of peace and prosperity, interstellar communications break down and rumors of war sweep through the universe. As ancient hatreds and rivalries rear their ugly heads, people who have only known war throough history books are suddenly thrust into the dark maelstrom of combat. Some fight for king and country, others for greed and power, others for love -- all will struggle to defeat those who would see them destroyed, while protecting the only homes they have known.

Welcome to MechWarrior: Dark Age.

Classic BattleTech Record Sheets: MechWarrior Dark Age I provides filled-out record sheets for the new infantry, vehicles and BattleMechs in the MechWarrior: Dark Age game published by WizKids Games. Along with the Classic BattleTech Miniatures Rules, this record sheet book allows Classic BattleTech players to use MechWarrior: Dark Age miniatures in their BattleTech games.

Classic Battletech: Record Sheets - MechWarrior Dark Age I

Classic Battletech: Record Sheets - MechWarrior Dark Age I

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