Steel Warrior Studios Files Are Now Owned By Aries Games & Miniatures!

Great news everyone!

As many of you know, Alex at Steel Warrior Studios had to shut down unexpectedly (no that's not the great news), and as such it was a big blow for the overall community. He's still cycling out some of the remaining product he has, but overall...he's closed down.

As of Mid-February, we struck a deal with Alex to purchase his personal designs he owned, and they will now be exclusively carried here at Aries Games & Miniatures....

Including the Digital STL files!

There may still be lingering stock from Alex's initial runs of product with other retailers, but once those are gone...Aries will be the one and only home to those items.

The items that have been purchased and ownership has been transferred over to Aries are as follows:

All Civilian Vehicle Packs (both hover and wheeled, hover now has the correct Hover Cab file!!!)
Gopher Utility Vehicles (STL only at this time)
Montgomery and Erwin Main Battle Tanks (STL only at this time)
Scissor Lifts (STL only at this time)

Urban Commerce Pack (both Hexed and Hexless)
Urban Commerce Individual Buildings

So come get yours today and keep your battle raging!

Digital STL Files Are Available Here:

Physical Printed Miniatures Are Available Here:

Physical Printed Terrain Is Available Here:

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