Based on the Gundam Seed Destiny anime, the Force Impulse Gundam model kit is in 1/100 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. Force Impulse Gundam comes with a flight backpack that can be attached to the Mobile Suit and also Silhouette Flyer. Included are a beam rifle, shield, daggers, and beam sabers. Also it contains an Anti-Ship Sword that can be used to replicate the showdown the Freedom Gundam. The Gundam can separate into its various components to allow docking with Core Splendor.
A Master Grade of the Force Impulse Gundam from Gundam Seed Destiny.
Includes flight backpack that can be attached to the Mobile Suit and also silhouette flyer.
Includes beam rifle, shield, daggers, beam sabers.
Also contains an Anti-Ship Sword that can be used to replicate the showdown the Freedom Gundam.
Gundam can separate into its various components to allow docking with Core Splendor.