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This set contains all 38 of the Challenge Coins offered by the BattleTech: Mercenaries Kickstarter! Please Note: the cases the coins come in are not the highest quality from Catalyst. If there are any broken cases, you will need to seek a replacement from Catalyst directly.
Challenge Coins Includes In Set:
1st Somerset Strikers
21st Centauri Lancers
4th Tau Ceti Rangers
Avanti's Angels
Black Thorns
Blue Star Irregulars
Camacho's Caballeros
Clan Sea Fox
Crescent Hawks
Eridani Light Horse
Gray Death Legion
Hansen's Roughriders
House Arano
House Ricol
Illician Lancers
Kell Hounds
Lexington Combat Group
Lindon's Battalion
Magistracy of Canopus
Marian Hegemony
McCarron's Armored Cavalry
Northwind Highlanders
Oberon Confederation
Outworlds Alliance
Rasalhague Dominion
Raven Alliance
Republic of the Sphere
Scorpion Empire
Snord's Irregulars
St. Ives Compact
Star League
Tamar Pact
Taurian Concordat
Twelfth Vegan Rangers
Vesper Marches
Waco Rangers
Wolf's Dragoons
Word of Blake
Image shown is an example of the coins provided, but not all 38 coins are shown.