Iron Wind Metals Battletech Restocks & New Items to the Store!!!

Just in...some restocks & new Online Exclusive & Convention Exclusive items to our store!!!

20-233 Warhammer IIC 4
20-236 Marauder IIC 2
20-326 Loki "Hellbringer" Prime
20-337 Thor "Summoner" Prime
20-384 Thug THG-11E
20-402 Uller "Kit Fox" Prime
20-465 Raptor II RPT-3X
20-5004 Wolverine II WVR-7H
20-5022 Blade BLD-XL
20-5028 Osprey OSP-26
20-5052 Fennec FEC-1CM
20-5096 Dragon II DRG-11K
20-5098 Black Knight BLK-NT-5H
20-5100 Vulpes VLP-1D
20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime
20-605RE Masakari "Warhawk" Prime
20-607RE Daishi "Dire Wolf" Prime
20-690 Owens OW-1
20-698 Buccaneer BCN-3R
20-761 Devastator DVS-2
20-800 Hex Bases (4)
20-993 Thunderbolt TDR-9M
BT-135 Argus AGS-4D
BT-136 Thunderbolt TRD-9NAIS
BT-289 Gestalt D2X-G
BT-294 Hatamoto-Suna HTM-30S
BT-346 Griffin GRF-1A
BT-396 Centurion CN11-O A
CE-002 Nighthawk 28mm Battle Armor
CE-003 No-Dachi 3X
CE-004 Rifleman RFL-X3
CE-005 Wraith TR2-X
CE-006 Victor VTR-9K2