
Iron Wind Metals has released the GenCon Online Exclusive items for purchase. As such, we already have some on order, so I am listing them on the site for "Pre-Order". When stock comes in, the items will be filled on a first ordered first filled basis. There is no time frame as of yet for when the order will be in, but rest assured that we will fill orders as soon as possible when stock arrives.

Below is the list of items now available for Pre-Order!


BT-407 Orion ON1-H
BT-408 Loki II A
BT-409 Sarath SRTH-1OA
BT-410 Sarath SRTH-1OB
BT-411 Archer ARC-1A
BT-412 Amazon Battle Armor
BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor
BT-414 Niso Attack WiGE (Standard & Support)
BT-415 Loki II B
BT-417 Saracen MK II HCV
BT-418 Saladin MK II HCV
BT-419 Wolverine WVR-1R
BT-421 Templar III TLR2-OC
BT-422 Marauder MAD-9W2
BT-423 Templar III TLR2-OD
BT-424 Hellspawn HSN-7D Resculpt
BT-425 Uziel UZL-8S
ENFIIIJP-17 Enforcer III ENF-7D Jumping