Mass: 100 Tons

Chassis: 85-100T Support Reinforced Sierra-Asp Profile

Power Plant: 300 Type III XL

Cruising Speed: 32 kph

Maximum Speed: 53 kph

Jump Jets: None

     Jump Capacity: None

Armor: Forged Type 35 Standard

Armament: 56 tons of pod space available

Manufacture: Arcadia BattleMech Plant CM-T15, Unknown Factory

     Primary Factory: Arcadia (ABMCM-T15) Deep Periphery (Unknown)

Communications System: CX-A Series D4 MAK

Targeting & Tracking System:  C-12 MK IV



    A lot of soldiers died trying to get this information to us as we marked it with the highest priority. Without our captive Clansmen, this information would not have been possible. They were able to provide us with an exact location on one of the manufactures of this Aries OmniMech, which I guessed would have been the Clan capital world of Strana Mechty but turned out to be Arcadia in the Homeworlds and a Star Adder exclusive design.

     Per our captives, the Star Adders also have a Deep Periphery factory location as well, somewhere close to their invasion corridor route, which is near to the old Wolf’s Dragoons outpost that they would use to rearm & repair their units back when they first appeared in the Inner Sphere. These captive Clansmen were also able to provide us with enough information to ascertain its capabilities, and its threat level to us, but there is an astonishing number of variants…and we were as surprised as you will be.



    Based on the information, this OmniMech is the culmination of the technology used by both sides during the Clan Homeworlds war against The Society. The Star Adders came out of this Wars of Reaving in such a good position, it provided them a lot of influence within the remaining Clans and they were elected to head this new invasion of the Inner Sphere. While the Osteon ‘Mech that was used by The Society was originally outlawed from all Clan toumans based on our captive’s information they provided, the Star Adders were able to reverse engineer its design very quickly. Knowing that they would need a major assault OmniMech for their future invasion, the decided to use the basis of the Osteon, and fuse it with their most prominent unit to date…the Blood Asp.

    Some of the technology that was used by The Society is still outlawed by the Homeworld Clans, yet this Aries OmniMech looks strikingly similar to the Osteon it was based off of, although you can still see the Blood Asp influence. The Aries does not make use of the Ferro-Lamelor armor of the Osteon, but that should not make it any less of a threat. It has 56 tons of pod space available, which ties it with the Tomahawk II OmniMech as being the most pod space available.

     One thing we have noticed that the original invading Clans did not give a second thought to, was ammunition. Some of the Aries variants have stayed in the fight long after many other ‘Mechs would have pulled back due to low ammo situations. The Aries should be considered highly dangerous, and the primary threat to the Inner Sphere should this be an actual invasion.

    We are not so sure the following information is correct. Per some of our captives, there are a total of 16 different variants of the Aries including the Prime variant. I don’t know if we should believe what they are telling us here, or if the Star Adders do have 16 different variants, then they have definitely learned from the original invasion to have more available options for their MechWarriors as well as to have sufficient ammunition on hand to stay in the battle longer. Most have a combination of Ballistic, Missiles, and Energy weapons…so the Aries can fight at any distance, and any terrain.

    I have personally only seen a few selected variants in battle, and while a few have heating issues, others that should have shut down from continuous firing, did not. Please see the attachment at the back of this report showing their individual armaments as told to us by our captive Clansmen.



    Our captives were unable to give us exact numbers or deployments of this design, but from everything we can understand, it has become an icon within the Star Adder clan much like the Blood Asp was. It is very common within their main Galaxy units, such as Alpha Galaxy, which would explain the Star Adder’s ease at ripping through 3 Periphery realms at the same time with minimal losses. We have come to understand, that this is given to the top graduates of their training sibkos, as well as those that end up winning a bloodname, or prove to be an elite MechWarrior in battle.


Type: Aries

Technology Base: Clan (Experimental)

Tonnage: 100

Battle Value: 3,268

Equipment                                                               Mass

Internal Structure:                  Endo-Composite       7.5

Engine:                                         300 XL                     9.5

          Walking MP:                           3

          Running MP:                          5

          Jumping MP:                         0

Heat Sinks:                                   17 (34)                   7

Gyro:                                                                           3

Cockpit:                                                                      3

Armor Factor:                                 304                     19


                                                        Internal        Armor  

                                                       Structure       Value  

     Head                                                3                 9

     Center Torso                                    31              48

     Center Torso (rear)                                            13

     R/L Torso                                        21               32

     R/L Torso (rear)                                                 10

     R/L Arm                                           17              33

     R/L Leg                                            21              42


Weight and Space Allocation

Location                                         Fixed                     Space Remaining

Head                                              None                                1

Center Torso                                   None                              2

Right Torso                                 2 XL Engine                        10

Left Torso                                   2 XL Engine                        10

Right Arm                               2 Endo Composite                6

Left Arm                                 2 Endo Composite                6

Right Leg                                       None                               2

Left Leg                                         None                               2

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