Good news! We found another source of the Thunderhead trees! We got all they it's quite possible this will be the last ones for a long time!Hextech: Atlean Steppes V2 x4Hextech: Dropbase Delta Command Centre (x8)Hextech: Dropbase Delta Maintenance Bays (x8)Hextech: Dropbase Delta Personnel Buildings (x10)Hextech: Dropbase Delta Power Station (x8)Hextech: Summer Light Heavy Woods (x6 Green)Hextech: Trinity City - Roads (x14) #thunderheadstudio #hextech #battlefieldinabox #battletech #alphastrike #battletechalphastrike #miniatures #terrain #gf9 #battletechminiatures #battletechpaintingandcustoms #galeforce9 #wip #tabletop #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #wargaming #wargames #hobby #scifi #sciencefiction #miniaturepainting #mech #6mmminis #6mmscifi #dougram #gundam #robotech #6mmterrain