FINALLY! After probably 8 or 9 years in development (no joke), starting back when I used to have a Forum on my site, and it being close to death MANY times, including yesterday’s delay in release due to a spelling error (which there could be others)…it’s finally finished. I present to you…

Technical Readout: Aries Initiative

First off…let me just say, while a crap ton of work went into this, it is not a canon book and will most likely pale in comparison to gorgeous fan made ones like TRO 3063 (which many consider a standard bearer). MANY people helped to get this finished, and anyone that contributed in the book has been credited. A lot of the submitted writing was literally 2 or 3 sentences long…so I really exhausted myself in trying to re-do the write-ups for many of the units in the book. After a long struggle, I had to hand that off to someone else as I just ran out of steam so if any of it seems disjointed, I’m sorry. There’s only so much 1 or 2 people can add into something when they are handling 90% of a book. The last year and a half have been rough and I just wanted to put this behind me.

Way to publicize it right? Hahaha

The book was originally written before knowing the outcome of the fight for Terra, but after the Wars of Reaving. I guessed it close…but not perfect.

One thing is for sure…almost all the art in the book, is outstanding!

Expect to see MANY miniatures from this book…one of which is coming within days!!!

Derek – Owner of Aries Games & Miniatures

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