Shiaic3D Game Box storage & More Are Now Available!

Brand new line for Aries Games & Miniatures...and an exclusive one for the U.S. Market!!!

Shiaic3D...the maker of the Game Box Storage Terrain system Kickstarter, has graciously allowed Aries Games & Miniatures to be the exclusive U.S. Print on Demand distributor of his 3D files including the now famous Game Box Storage Terrain!

His catalog is well rounded, and many of his buildings are now available on our site, including ALL of the Game Box Storage Terrain options! Shiaic3D's Game Box Storage Terrain concept takes the idea of quality, 3D printed table-top battlefield gaming terrain and seeks to make it useful off the tabletop as a means of storing and transporting your precious game miniatures. Shiaic3D's unique design of Game Box Storage Terrain 3D models creates a range of detailed urban buildings compatible with any futuristic settings in a world of 6mm scale SciFi warfare. And the best part is, it all stores away compactly within your existing game box.

Swing by, check it out, and if you didn't back the's your chance to own a revolutionary product! Click the link below to find his various products or simply search for Shiaic3D in the search box & you will see all of his specific listings!

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