Restocks on Catalyst Battletech Items! A Game of Armored Combat & MORE!!!

On this VERY special day of the Clan Invasion Kickstarter...which was fully funded in 7 minutes and is currently sitting at $429,000 (1,429% Funding!!!)...RESTOCKS & NEW STUFF!


#1 - Sadly, 7 of the Alpha Strike: Commander's Edition books were damaged, and have been pulled from inventory. Until I hear back from my distributor, I will hold these and may sell them at a deeper discount than what the mint copies of the books are selling for!

#2 - Due to the amount of expected sales (even with the Kickstarter hitting today)...shipping WILL NOT HAPPEN until Friday July 19th.

CAT35002 TechManual
CAT35007 Campaign Operations
CAT3500D A Game of Armored Combat
CAT35010 BattleMech Manual
CAT35131 Technical Readout 3085
CAT35205 Handbook: House Kurita
CAT35234 Historical: Wars of the Republic
CAT35252 Field Manual: 3145
CAT35260 Combat Manual Mercenaries
CAT35261 House Kurita Combat Manual
CAT35680 Alpha Strike: Commander's Edition