Restocks for Kids Logic Robotech / Macross Miniatures

Restocks are up for Kids Logic MiniTech line of Robotech & Macross Miniatures!

KLMT02 Robotech Macross VF1J Fighter Mode Miniature (Hikaru Ver)
KLMT03 Robotech Macross VF1J Guardian Mode Miniature (Hikaru Ver)
KLMT07 Robotech Macross Destroid Monster
KLMT08 Robotech Macross Destroid Phalanx
KLMT11 Robotech Macross Officer's Battlepod
KLMT12 Robotech Macross Destroid Tomahawk
KLMT18 Robotech Macross Destroid Defender
KLMT19 Robotech Macross Valkyrie VF1A Battloid Mode
KLMT24 Macross Zentraedi Heavy Battle Armor (Set of 3)
KLMT25 Robotech Macross Veritech VF-1 Valkyrie Atmospheric Booster
KLMT26 Robotech Macross Super Veritech VF-1A Battloid Mode
KLMT27 Robotech Macross Light Artillery Battlepod (Set of 3)

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