Restocks are up from Iron Wind Metals for BattleTech!

Restocks are up from Iron Wind Metals for BattleTech!

Restocks are up from Iron Wind Metals for BattleTech!

10-036 Word of Blake Omni Mech Pack I
10-037 Word of Blake Omni Mech Pack II
20-305 Scorpion Light Tank (2)
20-324 Tundra Wolf
20-456 Typhoon Urban Assault Vehicle
20-5046 Talos TLS-1B
20-5060 Pack Hunter II
20-5081 Rokurokubi RK-4K
20-5095 Hitotsune Kozo HKZ-1F
20-5185 Commando COM-2D
20-5200 Carrion Crow Prime
20-5207 Black Knight BL-9KNT
20-5215 Mastodon Prime
20-646 Jinggau JN-G8A
20-656 Thunder Stallion (Standard)
20-727 Karnov UR Transport 
20-800 Hex Bases (4) 
20-860 Victor VTR-9A
99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1
BT-007 Rottweiler Battle Armor
BT-008 Void Battle Armor
BT-189 Kobold Battle Armor
BT-224 Heavy Jump Infantry
BT-237 Recon Infantry
BT-240 SpecOps Paratrooper
BT-244 Heavy Infantry - Standing
BT-245 Heavy Infantry - Firing
BT-294 Hatamoto-Suna HTM-30S
BT-298 Ares ARS-V1B Hades
BT-357 Invader Jumpship
BT-371 Davion Infantry (3)
BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft
BT-391 Fenrir Battle Armor (1) 
BT-439 Black Wolf Battle Armor
BT-444 Flatbed Truck (2) - Cargo & Wpn options
BT-448 Zibler Fast Strike Tank Prime / D
BT-455 Liao MechWarrior Pack
BT-457 Steiner MechWarrior Pack
CE-002 Nighthawk 28mm Battle Armor
FT-008 Avatar AV1-OB
OP-045 Black Hawk C SRM4
OP-094 Koschei  5I Torso
OP-096 Koschei 5I  Arm
20-453G Pariah Jump Jet Sprue
20-701B Sparrowhawk Fighter SPR-H5 Fin Sprue
20-810B Hatamoto-Chi Fin / PPC Sprue
20-950WP Clan Elemental (25mm) Weapon Sprue
BT-294F Hatamoto-Suna HTM-30S Banner Sprue

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