Pre-orders for BattleTech, new terrain from Thunderhead Studio & restocks are in!

Pre-orders for BattleTech, new terrain from Thunderhead Studio & restocks are in!

Preorders for March 19th releases are up along with a bunch of restocks and the NEW HEXTECH Terrain from Thunderhead Studio & Gale Force 9!

Preorders available:
BattleMat - Cities HPG Engineering/Business District
Legends II
Map Pack City
Mercenaries ForcePack - Somerset Strikers
Miniature ForcePack - House Davion Cavalry Lance
Miniature ForcePack - House Davion Heavy Battle Lance
Salvage Box - Visigoth

Hextech: Trinity City - Fortress Walls (x26)
Hextech: Trinity City - Energy Walls (x26)
Hextech: Rivers and Lakes (x22)
Hextech: Trinity City - Highway Exits and Tunnels (x12)

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