First round of pre-orders for new goodies & restocks are up from Catalyst for BattleTech!
Pre-Orders Shipping the week of October 30th
Battlefield Support Deck Revised
Field Commander Case
Force Manual: Kurita
Technical Blueprints
BattleTech Universe
Miniature ForcePack - Clan Ad Hoc Star
Miniature ForcePack - Clan Command Star
Miniature ForcePack - Clan Fire Star
Miniature ForcePack - Clan Heavy Star
Miniature ForcePack - Clan Heavy Striker Star
Miniature ForcePack - Clan Striker Star
Miniature ForcePack - Clan Support Star
Miniature ForcePack - ComStar Battle Level II
Miniature ForcePack - ComStar Command Level II
Miniature ForcePack - Eridani Light Horse
Miniature ForcePack - Hansen's Roughriders Battle Lance
Miniature ForcePack - Inner Sphere Battle Lance
Miniature ForcePack - Inner Sphere Command Lance
Miniature ForcePack - Inner Sphere Direct Fire Lance
Miniature ForcePack - Inner Sphere Heavy Lance
Miniature ForcePack - Inner Sphere Striker Lance
Miniature ForcePack - Snords Irregulars Assault Lance #alphastrike #ironwindmetals #battletechalphastrike #miniatures #catalystgamelabs #battlemech #battletechminiatures #battletechpaintingandcustoms #classicbattletech #miniaturewargaming #mechwarrior #mecha #gaming #boardgames #tabletop #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #wargaming #wargames #hobby #scifi #sciencefiction #miniaturepainting #mech #6mmminis #6mmscifi #dougram #gundam #robotech