New goodies from Catalyst for BattleTech!
Sadly we had to wait for permission from Catalyst because another retailer purposely broke the street date...twice...on these, but they are now available for sale!
A Game of Armored Combat (2024)
Beginners Box (2024)
Miniature ForcePack - Star League Command Lance looks like the UrbanMech LAM box has been delayed until the end of June. I'm waiting for confirmation, but that's what distribution is now listing for a release date.
#battletech #alphastrike #ironwindmetals #battletechalphastrike #miniatures #catalystgamelabs #battlemech #battletechminiatures #battletechpaintingandcustoms #classicbattletech #miniaturewargaming #mechwarrior #mecha #gaming #boardgames #tabletop #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #wargaming #wargames #hobby #scifi #sciencefiction #miniaturepainting #mech #6mmminis #6mmscifi #dougram #gundam #robotech