New Decals & Restocks from Fighting Pirannha Graphics!
Clan Jade Falcon - 305th Cluster
Clan Jade Falcon - Falcon Guards
Clan Jade Falcon - Iota Galaxy (Variant)
Clan Sea Fox
Clan Spirit Cats - Omicron
Clan Spirit Cats - Purifiers
Clan Spirit Cats - Shiva Keshhik
Free Rasalhague Republic - 1st Tyr
House Davion - 1st Argyle Lancers
House Davion - Crucis Lancers (new)
House Davion - Davion Guards
House Davion - Ghost Legion
House Davion - McKinnon's Raiders (The Fox's Teeth)
House Davion - Prince's Men
House Davion - Swordsworn
House Kurita - Genyosha
House Kurita - Ryuken-Ni
House Liao - Liao Chang-Cheng
House Marik - Free Worlds Guards
House Marik - Regulan Hussars (new)
House Steiner
House Steiner - Archon's Shield
House Steiner - Lyran Rangers
House Steiner - Stormhammers
House Steiner - Tharkan Strikers
Kell Hounds
Republic of the Sphere
Taurian Concordat - Taurian Guards
Wolf's Dragoons - Wolf Spider Battalion
Large Scale Decals
Clan Coyote
House Steiner
Kell Hounds
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