Feldherr restocks are in for all your storage needs!

Feldherr restocks are in for all your storage needs!

Feldherr restocks are in for all your Mercenaries goods!

Cases & Bags:
Maxi Bag
Half-Size Case 90
Storage Box FSLB150 for 144 Miniatures
Storage Box FSLB150 for 89 Miniatures

Compartment Foam:
7 Compartment Half-Size Foam Tray 50MM
7 Compartment Half-Size Foam Tray 60MM
10 Compartment Half-Size Foam Tray 50MM
10 Compartment Half-Size Foam Tray 60MM
12 Compartment Half-Size Foam Tray 35MM
12 Compartment Half-Size Foam Tray 50MM
16 Compartment Half-Size Foam Tray 35MM
16 Compartment Half-Size Foam Tray 40MM
22 Compartment Full-Size Foam Tray 50MM
24 Compartment Half-Size Foam Tray 60MM
25 Compartment Full-Size Foam Tray 50MM
5MM Half-Size Topper / Bottom
10MM Full-Size Foam Topper / Bottom
10MM Half-Size Topper / Bottom
HS050RS 50 mm Half-Size Pick And Pluck Foam Tray Self-Adhesive
HS070RS 70 mm Half-Size Pick And Pluck Foam Tray Self-Adhesive


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