July 1st 2015
Full restock again from Iron Wind Metals...including more of the New Releases!!!
20-225 Phoenix Hawk IIC 4
20-227 Locust IIC 4
20-231 Rifleman IIC 3
20-234 Marauder II MAD-4S
20-268 Guillotine IIC
20-323 Pouncer Prime
20-331 Mad Cat III
20-332 Behemoth "Stone Rhino" 2
20-347 Galahad "Glass Spider" 3
20-364 Dragonfly "Viper" Prime
20-373 Dasher "Fire Moth" Prime
20-415 Cygnus
20-418 Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4L
20-441 Blackhawk Standard / 2
20-443 Hammerhands HMH-3D
20-453 Pariah "Septicemia" Prime / D
20-486 Sun Cobra
20-5008 Flamberge Prime
20-5021 Deimos Prime
20-5030 Onager
20-5031 Shadowcat II
20-5040 Mad Cat MK II Enhanced
20-5052 Fennec FEC-1CM
20-5060 Pack Hunter II
20-5088 Hollander III BZK-D1
20-5116 Stalker II STK-9A
20-5117 Kodiak II
20-5118 Tomahawk II Prime
20-5119 Cave Lion
20-654 Hunchback IIC
20-761 Devastator DVS-2
20-762 Pillager PLG-3Z
20-813 Guillotine GLT-3N
20-898 Imp IMP-3E
20-917 Nova Cat Prime
20-936 Highlander IIC
20-975 Fafnir FNR-5
June 24th, 2015
Just in...restocks & new stuff from Catalyst & The Army Painter!!!
The Army Painter
WP8005 Warpaints Mega Paint Set II
WP8002 Warpaints Starter Paint Set
AMYBF4134 Battlefields Meadow Flowers
AMYWP1101 Warpaints Matt Black
AMYWP1102 Warpaints Matt White
AMYTL5013 Cutting Mat
CAT3500B Introductory Box Set
CAT35716 Fire Lance Pack
CAT35717 Striker Lance Pack
CAT35600 Alpha Strike
June 23rd, 2015
FINALLY...they have arrived!!! New Releases for Battletech Mech Miniatures!!!
20-5113 Havoc HVC-P6
20-5116 Stalker II STK-9A
20-5117 Kodiak II
20-5118 Tomahawk II Prime
20-5119 Cave Lion
June 19th, 2015
We've received a major restock of Battletech items, both individual Mech Miniatures, as well as Lance Packs from Iron Wind Metals. Unfortunately, the New Releases were charged to us, but not shipped...so we are waiting for Iron Wind Metals to re-open on Monday the 22nd so they can ship our missing items to us.
10-035 Black Widow Company Lance
10-040 Assault Lance Pack
10-044 Quickstart Lance Pack
10-050 The Bounty Hunter Lance Pack
20-200 Griffin GRF-6S
20-203 Solitaire
20-208 Wolverine WVR-8K
20-210 Battlemaster BLR-4S
20-211 Archer ARC-8M
20-264 Marauder MAD-9S / MAD-5R
20-320 Ryoken "Stormcrow" Prime / B
20-326 Loki "Hellbringer" Prime
20-332 Behemoth "Stone Rhino" 2
20-334 Champion CHP-1N
20-337 Thor "Summoner" Prime
20-340 Kraken "Bane" 4
20-359 Black Hawk "Nova" H
20-376 Koshi "Mist Lynx" Prime
20-381 Mad Cat "Pryde"
20-383 Stalker STK-5M
20-386 Man O' War "Gargoyle" Prime
20-396 Avatar AV1-O Prime
20-400 Puma "Adder" Prime
20-402 Uller "Kit Fox" Prime
20-449 Battleaxe BKX-7K
20-457 Titan II TI-2P
20-473 Phoenix PX-3R
20-477 Rampage RMP-2G
20-492 Blood Asp Prime
20-5004 Wolverine II WVR-7H
20-5014 Dark Crow
20-5024 Prefect PRF-1R
20-5034 Thunderbolt IIC
20-5070 Shen Yi SHY-3B
20-5087 Atlas III AS7-D3
20-5096 Dragon II DRG-11K
20-5100 Vulpes VLP-1D
20-5103 Tian-Zong TNZ-N1
20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime
20-605RE Masakari "Warhawk" Prime
20-607RE Dishi "Dire Wolf" Prime
20-654 Hunchback IIC
20-662 Battle Cobra Prime
20-674 Falconer FLC-8R
20-686 Mackie MSK-6S
20-687 Thunderhawk TDK-7X
20-758 Cauldron Born "Ebon Jaguar" Prime
20-770 Axeman AXM-1N
20-774 Black Knight BL-6-KNT
20-775 Wyvern WVE-5N
20-778 Crockett / Katana CRK-5003-1
20-780 Hussar HRS-200-D
20-802 Mongoose MON-66
20-812 Lancelot LNC5-01
20-847 Awesome AWS-8Q
20-863 Cyclops CP-10-Z
20-899 King Crab KGC-000
20-907 Black Hawk-KU BHKU-O Prime
20-933 Viking VKG-2F
20-991 Shadow Cat Prime
20-992 Raven RVN-3L
May 28th, 2015
Got a small restock in of Catalyst Game Labs Lance Packs & Army Painter Battlefields items!
CAT35712 Battle Lance
CAT35713 Recon Lance
CAT35715 Pursuit Lance
AMYBF4024 Razorwire
May 4th, 2015
Restocks are in again for Battletech Miniatures from Iron Wind Metals!
20-218 Crimson Langur Prime
20-224 Shadow Hawk IIC 4
20-236 Marauder IIC 2
20-239 Verfolger VR5-R
20-320 Ryoken "Stormcrow" Prime
20-359 Black Hawk "Nova" H
20-364 Dragonfly "Viper" Prime
20-373 Dasher "Fire Moth" Prime
20-393 Gladiator "Executioner" Prime
20-400 Puma "Adder" Prime
20-402 Uller "Kit Fox" Prime
20-758 Cauldron-Born "Ebon Jaguar" Prime
20-857 UrbanMech UM-R60
20-914 Cougar Prime
20-942RE Atlas AS7-K
May 4th, 2015
May the 4th be with you! No, we don't have any Star Wars announcement to make...but we did just get some Catalyst books in stock!
CAT35600 Alpha Strike (2015 Corrected Second Printing)
CAT35670 Alpha Strike Companion
April 28th, 2015
We here are Aries Games & Miniatures are happy to announce that the newest Catalyst Lance Packs are in stock, and we also got a restock on some The Army Painter items...as well as new items too! We now carry both the brand new Dice from The Army Painter, as well as their individual Hobby & Wargamer Brushes!
The Army Painter New Items:
AMYBR7001 Hobby Brush Precise Detail
AMYBR7002 Hobby Brush Highlighting
AMYBR7003 Hobby Brush Basecoating
AMYBR7004 Wargamer Brush Insane Detail
AMYBR7005 Wargamer Brush Detail
AMYBR7006 Wargamer Brush Character
AMYBR7007 Wargamer Brush Regiment
AMYBR7008 Wargamer Brush Monster
AMYBR7009 Wargamer Brush Drybrush Small
AMYBR7010 Wargamer Brush Drybrush Large
AMYBR7011 Wargamer Brush Vehicle / Terrain
AMYBR7014 Wargamer Brush The Psycho
AMYTL5018 14mm 30 Red & 6 Black Dice
AMYTL5019 14mm 30 Black & 6 Red Dice
AMYTL5020 14mm 30 Blue & 6 White Dice
AMYTL5021 14mm 30 Green & 6 White Dice
AMYTL5022 14mm 30 White & 6 Black Dice
The Army Painter Restocks:
AMYBF4024 Battlefields Razorwire
AMYBF4101 Black Battleground Basing
AMYBF4102 Brown Battleground Basing
AMYBF4103 Snow Scatter
AMYBF4104 Grass Green Scatter
AMYBF4105 Moss Green Scatter
AMYBF4106 Ash Grey Scatter
AMYBF4107 Field Grass Static
AMYBF4108 Steppe Grass Static
AMYBF4109 Summer Undergrowth Foilage
AMYBF4110 Battlefield Rocks Basing
AMYBF4126 Battlefields Highland Tuft
AMYBF4127 Battlefields Swamp Tuft
AMYBF4128 Battlefields Poison Ivy
AMYBF4129 Battlefields Jungle Tuft
AMYBF4131 Battlefields Winter Tuft
AMYBF4133 Battlefields Wilderness Tuft
AMYBF4135 Battlefields Wasteland Tuft
AMYBF4136 Battlefields Tundra Tuft
AMYTL5003 Miniature and Model Files
AMYTL5006 Hobby Sculpting Tool
AMYTL5007 Kneadatite Green Stuff
AMYTL5008 Specialty Curved Files
AMYTL5012 Tools Drill Bits & Pins
AMYTL5013 Self-Healing Cutting Mat
AMYWP1133 Warpaints Weapon Bronze
Catalyst Game Labs New Items:
CAT3500B Introductory Box Set
CAT35713 Recon Lance Pack
CAT35714 Command Lance Pack
Catalyst Game Labs Restocks:
CAT35710 Assault Lance Pack
CAT35711 Support Lance Pack
CAT35712 Battle Lance Pack
April 27th, 2015
Just got a restock in of Reaper Master Series Paint bottles! We are back to being fully stocked again for their MSP line!
REM09007 Marigold Yellow Master Series Paint
REM09008 Sun Yellow Master Series Paint
REM09009 Lemon Yellow Master Series Paint
REM09037 Pure Black Master Series Paint
REM09039 Pure White Master Series Paint
REM09049 Ancient Bronze Master Series Paint
REM09053 Honed Steel Master Series Paint
REM09057 Ashen Blue Master Series Paint
REM09063 Ghost White Master Series Paint
REM09088 Stormy Grey Master Series Paint
REM09089 Cloudy Grey Master Series Paint
REM09108 Brush-On Primer Master Series Paint
REM09129 Faded Khaki Master Series Paint
REM09176 Military Green Master Series Paint
REM09205 Blackened Steel Master Series Paint
REM09208 Black Ink Master Series Paint
REM09214 Black Primer Master Series Paint
April 27th, 2015
Restocks are in for many of the popular Battletech Miniatures! Get your Mech Mini before it's gone!
20-264 Marauder MAD-9S / MAD-5R
20-337 Thor "Summoner" Prime
20-357 Hatchetman HCT-7S
20-443 Hammerhands HMH-3D
20-454 Warhammer WHM-8K
20-5004 Wolverine II WVR-7H
20-5076 Thunderbolt TDR-1C
20-5085 Marauder MAD-4X
20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime
20-603RE Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Prime
20-759 Turkina Prime
20-768 Night Gyr Prime
20-800 Hex Bases (4)
20-866 Javelin JVN-10N
20-873 Spider SDR-5V
20-895 Exterminator EXT-4D
April 13th, 2015
Pre-Orders are now up for the next batch of Mech releases from Iron Wind Metals which are due Mid-May! We also have listed the Pre-Orders for the next 2 Lance Packs from Catalyst which are due this week!
As always...they are 20% off retail!!!
20-5113 Havoc HVC-P6
20-5116 Stalker II STK-9A
20-5117 Kodiak II (Standard)
20-5118 Tomahawk II Prime
20-5119 Cave Lion (Standard)
CAT35713 Recon Lance Pack
CAT35714 Command Lance Pack
Items will ship once we receive stock! Go Pre-Order them so you can make sure you receive them!
March 27th, 2015
Full restock is in for Battletech Mech Miniatures!!! Grab them while they are in stock!
10-028 Kurita Heavy Lance
20-201 Warhammer WHM-8D
20-207 Stinger STG-5R
20-210 Battlemaster BLR-4S
20-211 Archer ARC-8M
20-213 Ostscout OTT-9CS
20-221 Valkyrie VLK-QD1
20-264 Marauder MAD-9S / MAD-5R
20-323 Pouncer Prime
20-337 Thor "Summoner" Prime
20-391 Hauptmann HA1-O Prime
20-406 Preta C-PRT-O Invictus
20-407 Seraph C-SRP-O Invictus
20-410 Malak C-MK-O Invictus
20-411 Deva C-DVA-O Invictus
20-412 Grigori C-GRG-O Invictus
20-413 Archangel C-ANG-O Invictus
20-419 Battle Hawk BH-K305
20-432 Valiant V4-LNT-K7
20-439 Dart DRT-3S / DRT-4S
20-444 Atlas II AS7-D-H
20-462 Sunder SD1-O Prime
20-468 Goliath GOL-5D
20-5022 Blade BLD-XL
20-5028 Osprey OSP-26
20-5041 Nyx NX-80 / NX-90
20-5069 Stiletto STO-6S
20-5085 Marauder MAD-4X
20-5107 Malice MAL-XT
20-5114 Zeus-X ZEU-X4
20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime
20-605RE Masakari "Warhawk" Prime
20-644 Barghest BGS-1T
20-664 Linebacker Prime
20-764 Spector SPR-5F
20-869 Jenner JR7-D
20-905 Blackjack BJ2-O Prime
20-975 Fafnir FNR-5
20-988 Phoenix Hawk PXH-4L
20-995 Legacy LGC-01
20-997 Gurkha GUR-2G
February 20th, 2015
Full restock of Battletech Mech Miniatures from Iron Wind Metals for the store, as well as the NEW RELEASES!!!
10-038 Command Lance
10-040 Assault Lance
10-041 Striker Lance
20-047 House Liao Heavy-Assault Lance Set
20-211 Archer ARC-8M
20-219 Penetrator PTR-4D
20-220 Longbow LGB-12C
20-326 Loki "Hellbringer" Prime
20-328 Legionnaire LGN-2D / LGN-2K
20-332 Behemoth "Stone Rhino" 2
20-337 Thor "Summoner" Prime
20-350 Ghost GST-10
20-359 Black Hawk "Nova" H
20-363 Koto KTO-2A
20-376 Koshi "Mist Lynx" Prime
20-377 Flashman FLS-8K
20-384 Thug THG-11E
20-393 Gladiator "Executioner" Prime
20-394 Colossus CLS-4S
20-400 Puma "Adder" Prime
20-414 Fenris "Ice Ferret" Prime
20-424 Bombardier BMB-12D
20-429 Mantis MTS-S
20-435 Hellstar
20-443 Hammerhands HMH-3D
20-462 Sunder SD1-O Prime
20-5004 Wolverine II WVR-7H
20-5011 Night Wolf
20-5014 Dark Crow
20-5035 Wolfhound WLF-2H
20-5038 Blood Reaper (Standard)
20-5041 Nyx NX-80 / NX-90
20-5050 Thunder THR-1L
20-5053 Peacekeeper PKP1-A
20-5079 Banshee BNC-1E
20-5096 Dragon II DRG-11K
20-5099 Bruin (Standard)
20-5103 Tian-Zong TNZ-N3
20-5104 Orochi OR-2I
20-5107 Malice MAL-XT
20-5108 King Crab KGC-009
20-5109 Shockwave SKW-2F
20-5110 Carronade CRN-7M
20-5111 Night Stalker NSR-K3
20-5112 Agrotera AGT-1A
20-5114 Zeus-X ZEU-X4
20-5115 Ostwar OWR-3M
20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime
20-607RE Daishi "Dire Wolf" Prime
20-658 Grim Reaper GRM-R-PR29
20-674 Falconer FLC-8R
20-774 Black Knight BL-6-KNT
20-800 Hex Bases (4)
20-804 Crab CRB-27
20-902 Charger CGR-1A5
20-959 Templar TLR1-O
20-975 Fafnir FNR-5
20-983 Mad Cat MK II
20-992 Raven RVN-3L
February 20th, 2015
Brand New Catalyst Lance Packs are in for Battletech! Get them while they last...3/4 of the stock just received has already sold!!!
CAT35712 Battle Lance Pack
CAT35713 Support Lance Pack
February 3rd, 2015
Pre-Orders are up for the next wave of Catalyst Game Labs' Lance Packs! Street date is listed as February 18th as long as they ship out to us on time.
CAT35712 Battle Lance Pack
CAT35713 Support Lance Pack
Pre-Order them now so they will ship to you when available!
January 7th, 2015
New year, more restocks on Battletech Mechs!!! Get them while they are in stock!
20-201 Warhammer WHM-8D
20-209 Rifleman RFL-8D
20-239 Verfolger VR5-R
20-250 Anubis ABS-3L
20-264 Marauder MAD-9S / MAD-5R
20-268 Guillotine IIC
20-311 Jupiter Standard / 2
20-316 Goliath GOL-2H
20-320 Ryoken "Stormcrow" Prime / B
20-326 Loki "Hellbringer" Prime
20-332 Behemoth "Stone Rhino" 2
20-334 Champion CHP-1N
20-337 Thor "Summoner" Prime
20-345 Hellhound "Conjurer" 2
20-361 Thorn THE-N
20-365 Goshawk "Vapor Eagle" 3
20-368 Viper "Black Python" 3
20-377 Flashman FLS-8K
20-400 Puma "Adder" Prime
20-414 Fenris "Ice Ferret" Prime
20-461 Eyleuka EYL-45A
20-473 Phoenix PX-3R
20-476 Toro TR-A-6
20-479 Firebee FRB-2E
20-490 Ymir BWP-2B
20-493 Bear Cub
20-498 Partiot PKM-2C
20-5006 Crossbow CRS-6B
20-5018 Karhu KHU-R1
20-5024 Prefect PRF-1R
20-5028 Osprey OSP-26
20-5085 Marauder MAD-4X
20-5087 Atlas III AS7-D3
20-5088 Hollander III BZK-D1
20-5092 Doloire DLR-O
20-5093 Lament LMT-2R
20-5098 Black Knight BLK-NT-5H
20-5100 Vulpes VLP-1D
20-5101 Gunsmith CH11-NG
20-5104 Orochi OR-2I
20-5107 Malice MAL-XT
20-5108 King Crab KGC-009
20-5109 Shockwave SKW-2F
20-5110 Carronade CRN-7M
20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime
20-618 Hellfire
20-774 Black Knight BL-6-KNT
20-778 Crockett / Katana CRK-5003-1
20-781 Kintaro KTO-20
20-788 Sentinel STN-3L
20-802 Mongoose MON-66
20-804 Crab CRB-27
20-813 Guillotine GLT-3N
20-849 Centurion CN9-A
20-853 Panther PNT-9R
20-857 UrbanMech UM-R60
20-914 Cougar Prime
20-971 Thanatos THS-4S
20-976 Hellion Prime
20-988 Phoenix Hawk PXH-4L
20-992 Raven RVN-3L
December 24th, 2014
Although it's Christmas Eve...we are still working! We've just received in a restock of the Battletech Lance Packs, as well as new The Army Painter basing supplies & a few tools!!!
AMYBF4101 Black Battleground Basing
AMYBF4102 Brown Battleground Basing
AMYBF4103 Snow Flock
AMYBF4104 Grass Green Flock
AMYBF4105 Moss Green Flock
AMYBF4106 Ash Grey Flock
AMYBF4108 Steppe Grass Static
AMYBF4109 Summer Undergrowth Basing
AMYBF4110 Battlefield Rocks Basing
AMYBF4126 Highland Tuft
AMYBF4127 Swamp Tuft
AMYBF4128 Poison Ivy
AMYBF4129 Jungle Tuft
AMYBF4131 Winter Tuft
AMYBF4133 Wilderness Tuft
AMYBF4135 Wasteland Tuft
AMYBF4136 Tundra Tuft
AMYTL5005 Hobby Pliers
AMYTL5008 Specialty Curved Files
CAT35710 Assault Lance Pack
CAT35715 Pursuit Lance Pack
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
December 13th, 2014
New Battletech Miniatures are in! We've also got a small restock of out of stock mechs as well.
20-208 Wolverine
20-393 Gladiator "Executioner" Prime
20-432 Valiant V4-LNT-K7
20-477 Rampage RMP-2G
20-479 Firebee FRB-2E
20-495 Galahad GLH-2D
20-5078 Wasp WSP-1
20-5107 Malice MAL-XT
20-5108 King Crab KGC-009
20-5109 Shockwave SKW-2F
20-5110 Carronade CRN-7M
20-621 Wraith TR1
20-666 Grizzly
20-759 Turkina Prime
20-809 Mauler MAL-1R
December 9th, 2014
We have expanded a little bit, to include some of The Army Painter line of Tools! These tools are a great quality & some are VERY tough looking. We've used some of these ourselves and look forward to you enjoying them as well! Below is a list of what we just got in stock!
TL5001 - Miniature and Model Drill (Pin Vice)
TL5002 - Precision Side Cutter
TL5003 - Miniature & Model Files
TL5004 - Precision Hobby Knife
TL5006 - Hobby Sculpting Tools
TL5007 - The Original Green Stuff
TL5009 - Plastic Frame Cutter
TL5011 - Wargamer: Hobby Tool Kit
TL5012 - Drill Bits and Pins
TL5013 - Cutting Mat
TL5014 - Hobby Saw
GL2002 - Plastic Glue
Please have a look at them if you would, you may just see how good they are! Direct link is below for The Army Painter line we carry. We will hopefully be expanding more & more to carry their full line!
November 22nd, 2014
The new Catalyst Game Labs plastic Lance Packs are finally released...AND ARE IN STOCK!!! Get them while they are available!!!
CAT35710 Assault Lance Pack
CAT35715 Pursuit Lance Pack
October 24th, 2014
Special announcement from Catalyst Game Labs (alightly edited for content)!!!
Lance Pack Release Schedule:
Below is the sell sheet of complete details and release months for all 8 BattleTech Lance Packs.
Additionally, the first two Lance Packs will be shipping out to arrive in November!
Thrown into the thick of the firefight, an assault lance MechWarrior has an ego as wide as a DropShip. That ego was earned in blood, sweat and hard-fought victories in the teeth of the enemy across a hundred worlds…
Unleash the Assault Lance Pack on your enemies! Atlas, Grasshopper, Blackjack and Victor BattleMechs–no assembly required. Perfect for BattleTech and Alpha Strike heavy metal action!
Contents: 4 plastic miniatures (unpainted); 8 dry-erase Alpha Strike Cards
Whether headhunting or running down recon forces, a pursuit lance MechWarrior is a commander’s surgical instrument. Not deployed for just any situation, these specialists are only unleashed to turn the tide of battle…
Unleash the Pursuit Lance Pack on your enemies! Centurion, Clint, Jenner and Wolfhound BattleMechs–no assembly required. Perfect for BattleTech and Alpha Strike heavy metal action!
Contents: 4 plastic miniatures (unpainted); 8 dry-erase Alpha Strike Cards
October 20th, 2014
Our maintenance is complete! Although there are a couple errors on the sales side, of which prevents going from page to page on the product listings. A trouble ticket has been placed to get this resolved, but for now...scroll to the bottom (past the error lines) and open up the drop down menu in the "Display Num" selection. Change it from 20 to all (may take a bit for all products to load). Once done, you will be able to see all items in that category. We hope there will be a fix soon for this issue.
Also, we have pushed in our new forum as well! The link at the top of our page for the forum is now public, but forum registration is still required to see the forums. Both the main sales site & the forums are now completely separate. If you want an account on both sites, you need to register on both sites. This allows us to target any sales emails just to our customers, rather than the entire user database.
Thank you very much for your continued support!
October 11th, 2014
New Battletech Mech Miniatures are in as well as a small restock!!! Get them while they are in stock & don't forget...you can now Special Order Online Exclusive, Limited Edition, and Archived miniatures!!!
10-034 Sword and Dragon Mech Pack II
20-200 Griffin GRF-6S
20-207 Stinger STG-5R
20-208 Wolverine WVR-8K
20-211 Archer ARC-8M
20-212 Shadow Hawk SHD-5D
20-213 Ostscout OTT-9CS
20-217 Crusader CDR-5K
20-220 Longbow LGB-12C
20-221 Valkyrie VLK-QD1
20-264 Marauder MAD-9S / MAD-5R
20-301 Shadow Hawk SHD-7CS / SHD-7M
20-5100 Vulpes VLP-1D
20-5103 Tian-Zong TNZ-N3
20-5104 Orochi OR-2I
20-5106 Tiburon
20-800 Hex Base
20-907 Black Hawk-KU BHKU-O
20-987 Locust LCT-5M
20-988 Phoenix Hawk PXH-4L
20-999 Wasp WSP-3L
October 5th, 2014
We here at Aries Games & Miniatures are very excited to let you all know, we have been given special permission from Iron Wind Metals to begin selling Online Exclusive, Limited Edition, and Archived items for Battletech!
Thanks to this, we have updated our website to include not only the Mech miniatures we've always had, but the ENTIRE line from Iron Wind Metals for Battletech! Yes, you heard right, the entire line! Battle Armor, Vehicles, Warships, Fighters, and even the Resin items!
There are a few restrictions we have to follow:
#1 - On the Online Exclusive & Limited Edition items, we cannot provide our well known 20% discount. To carry these items, we had to agree that we would not sell them for anything other than straight retail so as to not undersell Iron Wind Metals.
#2 - On the Archived items, each archive item, the initial purchase must be in quantities of 2. So for instance, if you simply want an AR20-794 Albatross ALB-3A, you have to purchase 2 at least. After that, you can add singles on the same order only, so if you want 3, you can purchase 3, if you want 6 you can purchase 6. Once the minimum 2 is met, you can purchase any amount of the same model you want. If you want more than one specific Archived miniature, the same minimum of 2 applies. So that means you have to purchase 2 of each item, each time. In return for this, Iron Wind Metals will NOT apply the $8.00 Archive fee!
Currently, all of the new items are special order items and are clearly marked as such so there will be no confusion when ordering. Any special order items will be processed as they are received, and will be submitted to Iron Wind Metals about once a month to coincide with the New Release shipments Iron Wind Metals sends out.
So if you do order any of these items, please understand, it can take anywhere from 1 week to a little over a month to get your items in our hands to ship out to you. It all depends on when you place the order, and when the next batch of New Releases is going to ship out. Keep in mind though, Iron Wind Metals is notorious for delays on their release dates. This is out of our hands, and we are unable to change that fact.
Thank you very much for your time in reading this message.
August 22nd, 2014
Small restock of Battletech Mech Miniatures has hit the store...
20-357 Hatchetman HCT-7S
20-405 Great Turtle GTR-1
20-5025 Mad Cat IV "Savage Wolf"
20-5043 Omen (Standard)
20-5099 Bruin
August 15th, 2014
NEW PRE-ORDERS ARE AVAILABLE FOR BATTLETECH MINIATURES!!! Order them now for guaranteed shipment when they are available. Approximately these items are set for release at the end of September, but more than likely will be pushed in to October.
20-5100 Vulpes
20-5103 Tian-Zong
20-5104 Orochi OR-2I
20-5106 Tiburon
August 12th, 2014
New Mech Miniatures are in!!! Get them while they are in stock!!! Also...a small batch of restocks are in for Battletech Mech Miniatures.
20-5028 Osprey OSP-26
20-5031 Shadow Cat II
20-5053 Peacekeeper PKP-1A
20-5094 Jackalope JLP-BD
20-5099 Bruin
20-5101 Gunsmith
20-5102 Eyrie
July 20th, 2014
Restocks are in for Battletech Mech Miniatures. New releases have been pushed back to the week of the 28th.
20-213 Ostscout OTT-9CS
20-442 Copperhead CPR-HD-003
20-457 Titan II TI-2P
20-5042 Ebony MEB-9 / MEB-10
20-5098 Black Knight BLK-NT-5H
20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime
20-603RE Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Prime
20-605RE Masakari "Warhawk" Prime
20-607RE Daishi "Dire Wolf" Prime
20-674 Falconer FLC-8R
20-811 Mercury MCY-99
20-901 Trebuchet TBT-5N
June 13th, 2014
New Battletech Mech Miniatures are in & pre-orders are available for the next batch in July!!! Also got a batch of restocks...
20-221 Valkyrie VLK-QD1
20-236 Marauder IIC 2
20-264 Marauder MAD-9S / MAD-5R
20-320 Ryoken "Stormcrow" Prime
20-334 Champion CHP-1N
20-402 Uller "Kit Fox" Prime
20-444 Atlas II AS7-D-H
20-462 Sunder SD1-O Prime
20-5053 Peacekeeper PKP1-A
20-5074 Dola
20-5080 Vulture MK IV
20-5085 Marauder MAD-4X
20-5086 Wulfen Prime
20-5087 Atlas III
20-5088 Hollander III
20-5092 Doloire DLR-O
20-5093 Lament LMT-2R
20-5094 Jackalope JLP-BD
20-5095 Hitotsune Kozo
20-5096 Dragon II
20-5097 Koshi (Standard)
20-5098 Black Knight
20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime
20-603RE Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Prime
20-762 Pillager PLG-3Z
Get 'em while they last!!!
May 4th, 2014
The following Battletech Miniatures are now available for pre-order...
20-5095 Hitotsume Kozo
20-5096 Dragon II
20-5097 Koshi (Standard)
20-5098 Black Knight (3145 version)
All pre-orders will ship once they have been delivered to us. Please keep in mind, Iron Wind Metals is usually late on their shipments. Currently this batch is scheduled for release the week of May 27th, but we have already confirmed they are slightly behind. We will update this post once we have more information.
April 21st, 2014
New Battletech Mech Miniatures are in!
20-5090 Stinger IIC
20-5092 Dolorie DLR-O
20-5093 Lament LMT-2R
20-5094 Jackalope
Get them while they are in stock!!!
April 10th, 2014
Been a while since our last post, but we are back! New releases will be shipping in the next 1-2 weeks per Iron Wind Metals, and we just got a restock in for Battletech Mech Miniatures!
20-250 Anubis ABS-3L
20-265 Commando IIC
20-320 Ryoken "Stormcrow" Prime
20-326 Loki "Hellbringer" Prime
20-364 Dragonfly "Viper" Prime
20-393 Gladiator "Executioner" Prime
20-402 Uller "Kit Fox" Prime
20-408 Raijin II RJN-200-A
20-5038 Blood Reaper (Standard)
20-5080 Vulture MK IV
20-5083 Warwolf
20-605RE Masakari "Warhawk" Prime
20-658 Grim Reaper GRM-R-PR29
20-690 Owens OW-1
20-695 Fire Falcon Prime
20-756 Akuma AKU-1X
20-759 Turkina Prime
20-768 Night Gyr Prime
20-777 Falcon FLC-4N
20-868 Dragon DRG-1N
20-888 Grasshopper GHR-5H
20-893 Wolf Trap "Tora" WFT-1
20-905 Blackjack BJ2-O
20-907 Black Hawk-KU BHKU-O
20-997 Gurkha GUR-2G
February 6th, 2014
Just got a restock in on The Army Painter as well as some of their new paints & inks, and we also got some Iron Wind Metals items and the new Total Warfare rule book...
Catalyst Games...
Total Warfare (Revised 2013 Edition)
20-5080 Vulture MK IV
20-5085 Marauder MAD-4X
20-5086 Wulfen
The Army Painter...
QS1001 Quick Shade Soft Tone
QS1002 Quick Shade Strong Tone
WP1101 Matt Black
WP1102 Matt White
WP1106 Lava Orange
WP1107 Daemonic Yellow
WP1137 Green Tone Ink
WP1138 Red Tone Ink
WP1139 Blue Tone Ink
WP1140 Purple Tone Ink
WP1141 Hydra Turquoise
WP1142 Chaotic Red
January 27th, 2014
Well, Iron Wind Metals took a long time...but NEW MECHS ARE IN! Plus we also got a small restock as well...
20-292 Hermes HER-1A
20-334 Champion CHP-1N
20-361 Thorn THE-N
20-377 Flashman FLS-8K
20-5085 Marauder MAD-4X
20-5086 Wulfen
20-5087 Atlas III
20-5088 Hollander III
20-775 Wyvern WVE-5N
20-778 Crockett/Katana CRK-5003-1
20-788 Sentinel STN-3L
20-804 Crab CRB-27
20-8999 King Crab KGC-000
December 12th, 2013
We've received in another batch of restocks for Battletech Miniatures! Come get your mechs before they are gone!!!
20-361 Thorn THE-N
20-383 Stalker STK-5M
20-402 Uller "Kit Fox" Prime
20-486 Sun Cobra
20-5004 Wolverine II WVR-7H
20-5014 Dark Crow
20-5030 Onager
20-5057 Sphinx
20-5062 Morrigan
20-5070 Shen Yi SHY-3B
20-5074 Dola
20-5080 Vulture MK IV
20-5081 Rokurokubi RK-4K
20-5082 Gyrfalcon
20-5083 Warwolf
20-780 Hussar HSR-200-D
20-781 Kintaro KTO-20
20-788 Sentinel STN-3L
20-802 Mongoose MON-66
20-804 Crab CRB-27
20-805 Flea FLE-15
20-813 Guillotine GLT-3N
20-865 Commando COM-2D
20-866 Javelin JVN-10N
20-886 Vulcan VL-2T
20-895 Exterminator EXT-4D
20-932 Vindicator VND-1R
November 6th, 2013
Another batch of restocks are in for Battletech Miniatures as well as the new releases!!!
20-218 Crimson Langur
20-233 Warhammer IIC 4
20-326 Loki "Hellbringer" Prime
20-359 Black Hawk "Nova" H
20-397 Orion ON1-M
20-486 Sun Cobra
20-492 Blood Asp Prime
20-5055 Hunchback HBK-7R
20-5059 Septicemia "Pariah" E
20-5080 Vulture MK IV
20-5081 Rokurokubi RK-4K
20-5082 Gyrfalcon
20-5083 Warwolf
20-695 Fire Falcon Prime
20-885 Hermer II HER-2S
20-942RE Atlas AS7-K
20-996 Scylla
November 1st, 2013
Another batch of restocks are in for Battletech Miniatures! New releases should be in within a week from today!!!
10-035 Black Widow Company Lance
10-036 Word of Blake Omni Mech Pack I
10-037 Word of Blake Omni Mech Pack II
10-045 TRO 3085 Lance Pack
10-047 House Liao Heavy-Assault Lance Set
10-050 The Bounty Hunter Set
20-207 Stinger STG-5R
20-217 Crusader CDR-5K
20-219 Penetrator PTR-4D
20-236 Marauder IIC 2
20-237 Griffin IIC 4
20-239 Verfolger VR5-R
20-279 Clint IIC
20-340 Kraken "Bane" 4
20-347 Galahad "Glass Spider" 3
20-364 Dragonfly "Viper" Prime
20-372 Hornet HNT-151
20-398 Shrike SHK-VP-A
20-418 Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4L
20-419 Battle Hawk BH-K305
20-424 Bombardier BMB-12D
20-432 Valiant V4-LNT-K7
20-440 Fireball ALM-7D / ALM-8D
20-443 Hammerhands HMH-3D
20-447 Warlord BLD-2D
20-462 Sunder SD1-O Prime
20-464 Ryoken II
20-482 Xanthos XNT-30
20-5002 Icarus II ICR-1S
20-5005 Orion ON1-K (with Kerensky)
20-5035 Wolfhound WLF-2H
20-5046 Talos
20-5069 Stiletto STO-6S
20-616 Grand Titan TIT-N10M
20-621 Wraith TR1
20-644 Barghest BGS-1T
20-679 Raptor RTX1-O
20-698 Buccaneer BCN-3R
20-793 Hollander BZK-F3
20-798 Hammer HMR-3M
20-802 Mongoose MON-66
20-804 Crab CRB-27
20-809 Mauler MAL-1R
20-810 Hatamoto-Chi HTM-26T
20-814 Zeus ZEU-6S
20-857 UrbanMech UM-R60
20-867 Enforcer III ENF-6M
20-875 Assassin ASN-21
20-876 Dervish DV-6M
20-900 Cicada CDA-2A
20-901 Trebuchet TRT-5N
20-902 Charger CGR-1A5
20-930 Catapult CPLT-C4
20-972 Uziel UZL-3S
20-992 Raven RVN-3L
20-995 Legacy LGC-01
October 2nd, 2013
Got another batch of restocks for Battletech Miniatures!
20-396 Avatar AV1-O Prime
20-476 Toro TR-A-6
20-5048 Beowulf IIC
20-5061 Osteon Prime
20-5063 Hector HOR-1B
20-5064 Cephalus Prime
20-5065 Kraken XR
20-5072 Banshee BNC-11X
20-5074 Dola
20-5076 Thunuderbolt TDR-1C
20-5077 Longbow LGB-0C
20-5078 Wasp WSP-1
20-5079 Banshee BNC-1E
September 26th, 2013
New Battletech Miniatures are in!!! Get them while they last...
20-5076 Thunderbolt TDR-1C (Primitive)
20-5077 Longbow LGB-0C (Primitive)
20-5078 Wasp WSP-1 (Primitive)
20-5079 Banshee BNC-1E (Primitive)
Also don't forget to preorder the following to save on shipping!!!
20-5080 Vulture MK IV
20-5081 Rokurokubi
20-5082 Gyrfalcon
20-5083 Warwolf
Plus we got a big restock of Battletech Miniatures as well...come check them out!
September 17th, 2013
Been a while since our last post, due to Gen-Con and other conventions in August, things for Battletech and new releases for Mech's have gotten a bit behind at the manufacture. New items are inbound, we should have the following within the next week...
20-5076 Thunderbolt TDR-1C (Primitive)
20-5077 Longbow LGB-0C (Primitive)
20-5078 Wasp WSP-1 (Primitive)
20-5079 Banshee BNC-1E (Primitive)
Pre-orders will be going up for the next batch of Battletech Miniatures...
20-5080 Vulture MK IV
20-5081 Rokurokubi
20-5082 Gyrfalcon
20-5083 Warwolf
July 27th, 2013
New Battletech Miniatures are in as well as some restocks of a few of the out of stock Mechs. See below for a list of what has come in and get them while you can!!!
20-237 Griffin IIC 4
20-357 Hatchetman HCT-7S
20-389 Hitman HM-1
20-398 Shrike SHK-VP-A
20-425 Shiro SH-P
20-433 Mangonel MNL-3L
20-5036 Grasshopper GHR-7P
20-5072 Banshee BNC-11X
20-5073 Warhammer IIC 8
20-5074 Dola
Also...pre-order listings for the August Primitive Mech releases are now up!
20-5076 Thunderbolt TDR-1C
20-5077 Longbow LGB-0C
20-5078 Wasp WSP-1
20-5079 Banshee BNC-1E
June 15th, 2013
Images are up for the new Battletech mechs recently releases! The next new batch of Battlemechs will be released somewhere around the week of July 1st from Iron Wind Metals...unless they have another delay.
New releases are now PRE-ORDERABLE! Just add them to your cart, they will be added to our order list, and once they are delivered to us...they will ship out the next day to you!
June 4th, 2013
New Mechs are in for Battletech! Get them while they are in stock...
20-5068 Pillager Anvil from XTRO Liao
20-5069 Stiletto STO-6S from TRO Prototypes
20-5070 Shen Yi from TRO 3085
20-5071 Rook from TRO 3085
May 14th, 2013
Battletech Mech Restocks are in! Check the site for your favorite!
We've also enabled a search feature on the Shopping side of the site so now you can search out your favorite Battlemechs!
May 8th, 2013
Alright Mech Heads & MechWarriors!!!
We are happy to announce, the new relases for Battletech Miniatures are almost here. Their release was pushed back from the week of May 13th, to roughly the week of May 27th. We hope they will be here sooner, but they are not expected until that week. As soon as they are in, they will be on the site.
We are testing the waters with Pre-Ordering for all new releases, if all goes well...this will be something we will make standard in the future.
They will be the following...
Stiletto STO-6S from TRO Prototypes
Rook from TRO 3085
Shen Yi from TRO 3085
Pillager Anvil from XTRO Liao
As always...they will be 10% off right from the start so keep your eyes out for them to be posted!!!
Restocks have been ordered for the Kraken-XR and the Axman AXM-6X and should be here in the next week or so depending on IWM's shipping backlog.
April 26th, 2013
Hello All!
This is the first in what will hopefully be many blogs about Aries Games & Miniatures and our interest in the Battletech and Mechwarrior community!
Aries Games & Miniatures may be a small company, but we most certainly love not only Battletech as a game, but as a community. Our forums have almost 300 people registered as of this date, and although only a few are contributing on a semi-regular basis...we hope more people will join in to discuss their favorite Battletech games, Mechs, miniatures, and painting styles.
Please take the time to register so you too can join our forums, see what some of the people here are talking about, and give your side of the story as well!
We got in the newest releases from Iron Wind Metals! First up is the 100 Ton Kraken-XR from XTRO: The Clans. Up second is the Axman AXM-X6 from TRO Prototypes. And lastly we received in the new Federated Suns mech...the Fennec!
The Krakens didn't last long, already sold out in less than 20 hours of being posted on the site! Congrats to the customer!!! These mechs are AWESOME!
Aries Admin...{jcomments off}